Let it go



Let it go 放手吧/Idina Menzel 伊迪娜嫚佐

今晚,山頂上的積雪泛著白色光芒 看不見任何足跡 一個絕世孤立的王國 似乎........我就是皇后 狂風呼號,彷彿內心風暴肆虐 再也無法隱藏心事 老天明白我已努力過

Idina Menzel

「 Here I stand 踏在曙光之上. In the light of day 我就佇立在黎明的光輝底. Let the storm rage on, 讓風雪張狂地肆虐吧.

Idina Menzel – Let It Go Lyrics

Let It Go Lyrics: The snow glows white on the mountain tonight / Not a footprint to be seen / A kingdom of isolation / And it looks like I'm the queen / The ...

Frozen(冰雪奇緣) - Let it go (個人中文翻譯歌詞) - 創作大廳

Let it go (隨它去吧) ; The snow glows white on the mountain tonight. 今晚霜雪染白了山巔 ; Not a footprint to be seen. 看不見任何足跡.

Let It Go - From FrozenSoundtrack Version-歌詞

作詞:Kristen Anderson-Lopez 作曲:Robert Lopez. The snow glows white on the mountain tonight. Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation and it looks ...

[PDF] “Let It Go” Lyric Sheet

Music and Lyrics by Kirsten Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. © 2013 ... LET IT GO, LET IT GO. CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE. LET IT GO, LET IT GO. TURN ...

[PDF] Let It Go

Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry! Here I stand And here I'll stay Let the storm rage on!

Disney Frozen - Let It Go Song with Lyrics

Singalong to Let It Go from Disney's hit animation Frozen. The lyrics appear on the video, so you can follow the words and sing along with ...

FROZEN | Let It Go Sing-along | Official Disney UK

... song (Let It Go), a BAFTA® for Best Animated Film, a Golden Globe® for best animated feature, two Critics Choice Movie Awards, and a ...


今晚,山頂上的積雪泛著白色光芒看不見任何足跡一個絕世孤立的王國似乎........我就是皇后狂風呼號,彷彿內心風暴肆虐再也無法隱藏心事老天明白我已努力過,「HereIstand踏在曙光之上.Inthelightofday我就佇立在黎明的光輝底.Letthestormrageon,讓風雪張狂地肆虐吧.,LetItGoLyrics:Thesnowglowswhiteonthemountaintonight/Notafootprinttobeseen/Akingdomofisolation/AnditlookslikeI'mthequeen/The ...,Letitgo(隨它去吧);Thes...


